Saturday 12 July 2014

Once My EX Still Is.

He is my EX, not because he got EXausted but simply because I EXchanged him for a full cup of memories. Memories I live each day hoping to relive and even on top EXtra fantasies.

He had what you’d call the X-factor. He understood the X chromosomes better than he did the Ys. The part of my life I shared with him holds an EXperience I term unforgettable. I remember I once preferred to get EXcommunicated over letting him go. My love for him was an EXaggeration of ordinary love.

I EXamined his face that night, trying to figure out if he understood what I meant when I said I wanted a break. His face held no emotion, I guess because his eyes were EXtravagant with rage, confusion and pain. He loved me to EXtremes and all I could give back was EXellent betrayal. He EXtended a heart only to receive a sword pierce through it. He held his breath, and for a minute I was afraid he wouldn’t EXhale but the minute he did, he EXited my life.

Now I sit here and fantasize about how he was an EXpert in kiss, caress, squeeze and love making. It has been a fruitless search looking for an EXact of him in every any other man. The memories of my EX are EXpensive I’d say priceless. I call him my EX not because he was but because he still EXists in my mind body and soul.

Message from OOGAM
It's okay to long for what you once loved. Remember though, not to get carried away and forget what your price tag states.